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We suggest you take a quick look at some
We found that the images
available were somewhat inspiring.
Let's not bother with the fussing about how much time learning the computer takes. To create a resume you need a text program. If you're not sure of what program you have on your computer, you can check to see if you have Microsoft Word or you can download Apache Open Office here.
Apache Open Office is a free download that is a credible rival
to MS Office. The site also has free resume templates
available for you to download.
Free, free, free Resume help!
Resume Help!!!
The sky is the limit!
Use our free resume help to find that job of your dreams.
Read through the page to discover what we found!
No nonsense, it's free and easy.
You may not realize it yet but, landing on this page might just be
what you needed.
We are real people that know there is a need for others to find gainful employment. We have already done a lot of the sifting through and weeding out so that you will have a successful job search.
Take a deep breath and relax while you review what we have found.
By the way, we do not mean to brag but,
we have had reports of successful job searches.
Please note: We're just offering an old fashioned favor here. The is no commitment and no obligation by either party.
This page was last modified on May 12, 2020
You're ready to cut to the chase!
Do a quick search through Simply Hired.
You only need to use a keyword such as construction, driver, finisher, whatever comes to mind as a position that would interest you and enter your zip code. The site is paid for by employers.
A personal comment: While seeking employment it is important for you to consider things from the employer's perspective. It is not unusual for companies, nor schools, to search for concerns that they have about potential employees or students. I think the idea is best called, “The Grandmother Test.” Most employers are seeking information about drug and alcohol use. Let's face it, even though we might decide to tie-one-on, none of us are stupid to the fact that our grandmother would probably rather not see any of us in that condition.
Employers, just like your grandmother, do not have the desire to see inappropriate photos, nor do they care to read about inappropriate behavior. I do not have desire to put much thought into anyone's inappropriate behavior, so I'll leave it at that.
Social media allows for much to be said in very few words. Employers can and will judge your communication skills by comments you post. I set a standard for myself on this. I've always believed that if I had nerve enough to write it and send it, I needed to have nerve enough to claim it by putting my signature on it. The Grandmother Test holds true again.
Remember, “If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.” I should add that social media offers the opportunity for an employer to grade your spelling and grammar skills as well. You never took pride in showing the failing grade to your grandmother.
You can use the World Wide Web to your advantage, but don't forget that everybody else can too. There are plenty of sites that will offer more information about this subject. Do your own research about yourself before the potential employer calls. You can do that by searching for your name via any major search engine. Seeing yourself the way your future employer will might just save you some embarrassment.
~Kara Miller
You are investing in yourself now which means now's the time to get creative.
We hope that since we sifted though some of the 750,000
search results offered we have made this job a little easier for you.
We bought the book, read it and took notes.
It's your job to get the job!
(We are a team that has worked extensive hours to reduce your work to a minimum.)
First things first!
There are rules.
Rule #1, NO complaining.
Rule #2, accept the fact that there is some reading involved.
(We've forgotten how many pages we've read to compile this information, invested the time and effort, see Rule 1.)
Again, it's fine with us if you don't want to be visiting this page, but if you feel the need you can visit Feeding America to find local assistance.
Setting goals is vital to everyone. Maybe you're not one that has spent time planning for your future or you're not a person that walks around bragging about your long term plans. That's fine.
Our free document Setting Goals may be just what you need to jumpstart your career.
The following files can provide you with a simple start for preparing a resume. Read through them and you'll be ready to write your resume.
(We've made these single page documents so they are a quick read.)
The first file is entitled, Building a Resume.
It has a few good suggestions for you to think about before you start putting your resume together.
You can do this!
You're this far into this web page.
You're darn near a pro.
Now you want to write a good resume.
This document will give you the basics.
Don't forget the cover letter to give
your resume a professional look.
It's easy!